Your Daily HomeScope for August 14, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


It's best if you avoid arguments at all costs today; if you see one brewing, stay clear. Others may be more sensitive to seemingly subtle comments than you think. So watch your words and tread lightly.


It's great that you're so confident about everything working out in the end, but as far as finances are concerned, keep track of your spending. Making solid decisions based on reality are usually your forte, but you may be too caught up in the excitement of redesigning your kitchen.


The sprouting seeds in your greenhouse are so alluring and luscious as you run your finger lightly along the stems, you linger a bit longer while watering and inspecting the soil. You can't help but be charming and flirtatious today, even in your own garden.


You'd thought you would stay home and work on your quilt, but a friend calls and offers a ticket to a bluegrass show instead. Or perhaps you're about to go for the beige curtains when you go for the green at the last minute. Embracing your wilder side is key.


Your hospitality is warm and pure, inviting friends over for appetizers, stimulating conversation and squash and shallot tartlets. Your living room will not only be a bevy of socializing, but a stage for brainstorming creative projects you'll work on together in the future.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Lines of communication may become crossed if you're not careful today. Avoid keeping someone on hold on your landline while answering the phone as you head out of the door. Keep your mind focused and try not to run from room to room without knowing why you're moving around.


Make it your mission to do something you've never done before today -- try an exotic recipe form a cookbook you've rarely opened or start a DIY project of unparalleled proportions. Doing something yet untried will fill you with a fresh, pioneering spirit that will carry over into other areas of your day.


Don't take anything for granted today. Check your receipts from your shopping excursions because people do make mistakes. Any kind of matter that mixes business and home should be monitored for detail and precision.


The phone is ringing off the hook, your ironing has long ago piled up and you have a project you're dying to get working on. There is more than enough going on today to keep you busy and satisfied, so don't let any down time drag your mood in another direction.


Your mind is clear and lucid today. Take this opportunity to reach out to people you've been meaning to communicate with. Has your roommate been waiting for your decision about her kitchen designs? Stop beating around the bush and let her know how you feel.


From love letters to romantic texting, you are gifted in creative communication today. Use your favorite font, red ink and textured paper to pen your feelings and deliver them to one who needs to hear from you.


There may not be time for deep cleaning, but you need to take a rag to your windows so you can see the outside clearly. Same goes for mirrors and all surfaces, such as the oven, television and computer. Clarity of vision and mind is of utmost importance today.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙