Your Daily FoodScope for November 27, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Details will pour down today until you're drowning in them. You had best carry a very big umbrella, because a hard rain's a gonna fall! Do something relaxing like yoga after work. Follow that with a simple salmon filet with a green salad and you'll be high and dry before the day is through.


Make plans to spend the day seeking out things of beauty. It could be a stroll on the beach, a walk in the woods, a lovely sunset or a triple layered chocolate cream cake. Hey, some people can find beauty in anything.


Avoid sharing confidential information today. Busybodies will be sniffing around digging up dirt, and you could soon be the star of the gossip grapevine. Avoid them today, even if they ask you to lunch. Tell them you have a perfectly fine tuna sandwich and apple, which you'll prefer to eat alone.


Today will be a good one to make plans. It could be wild or mellow and calm. It can be whatever you make it, but that second part could be the better idea. It'll be fun spending time with loved ones, perhaps barbecuing shrimp and your famous Cajun spare ribs for all to enjoy.


Look at your dwindling finances before you splash out. It may be best to avoid frivolous spending, which means you may have to dine down. You'll find the local greasy spoon serves some excellent chili and burgers, but you'll need an ax to kill whatever that is in the bathroom.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


Clarity of thought will help you make sense of things today. Your focus will be razor sharp, and you'll get much done because of it. This could be one of the benefits of eating a big breakfast. Keep the fire burning with a healthy lunch. A roast beef sandwich, fruit and yogurt will do the trick.


A hectic day may have you feeling overwhelmed. You may have had enough, but avoid skipping out early or taking a long lunch. The boss will know exactly what you've been up to. If the nacho breath doesn't give you away, than the shirt and tie smeared with barbecue sauce will.


A friend may ask you for a favor, but find out what it is before agreeing to anything. Even the promise of a prime rib dinner with baked potato, coleslaw and the works may not be enough for you to proceed. Trust me, watching your friend's Great Dane for a month will not be as fun as it sounds.


Co-workers will work your last nerve today, and you'll count the minutes until quitting time. Don't let them get to you, and decline lunch invitations. They'll think it's cute, but you'll find it idiotic when they stick French fries up their noses, or order crab just so they can play with the claws.


Dissect your romantic life with the precision of a surgeon today. You may find the patient to be comatose, just barely functioning. So go looking for love tonight. Dinner with someone who is remotely interested in you would be cool, and Italian always makes for a fun and non-threatening first date.


You'll be on a different wavelength than others today, and coming to agreements could be hard. You may want to have lunch by yourself, because you won't be good with their choices. Thai or Italian? Thick or thin crust? Manhattan or New England? You'll conflict with everyone, so don't even go there.


It'll be good to dive right into the pool today. There'll be no pussyfooting as you go for it! If you konk your head, well, you'll know better next time. Take this sense of adventure to dinner tonight, when you will fearlessly dig into Korean bosintang, and hope that it doesn't bark.

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