Your Daily FoodScope for December 09, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Make a list of goals for yourself today and then work to achieve them. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment as you knock most of them off. But save the most challenging one for the end of the day. That's when you'll try to eat massive plate of shepherd's pie in one sitting. Good luck with all that.


Dining out with your vegan friends can be challenging for a beef eater like you. But power struggles can be avoided if you meet them halfway. Veggies burgers may lack the protein punch of meat, but they can actually be quite tasty, especially if you slather them with enough ketchup and mustard.


You may be changed by a radical new experience today. It may shake you to the core of your beliefs, and you may never be the same. But after you have your first bite of a burger made from ground bison meat, you might not ever go back to plain old beef. Bison: it's the new red meat.


You'll feel dumb today, a real mental midget. This'll be unusual for someone as brainy as you, so your grey matter may need a pick-me-up. The Omega-3s found in fish like salmon and tuna can stimulate your neural synapses and you might even remember where you put your car keys.


You'll be called upon to come up with good solutions to a myriad of problems today. You'll relish this responsibility. Speaking of relish, avoid eating those hot dogs as a quick afternoon pick-me-up. You'd gag if you knew what into those wieners so stick to the more reliable hamburgers instead.

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Go crazy today and mix up your regular routine. This may initially disorient you, but you'll soon welcome the change. Things could get quite kooky, so go with it. Who says you can't have pancakes and sausage for dinner? Stranger things have happened.


Stay creative and today will be a good one. Think outside the box and you could see things in a new light. So don't be afraid to have dinner at an ethnic restaurant. Malaysian cuisine is influenced by other Asian cultures, and you could experience the best of Chinese, Indian and Thai all in one sitting.


The peace at home could be shattered by petty arguments. Life's too short for such nonsense, so be quick to extend the olive branch. Take your mate to a Greek restaurant. Olives always compliment the fine flavors of lamb, pork, feta and spices so prevalent in that country's cuisine.


You'll be better able to comprehend new ideas if you keep your mind open. This will especially be true when it comes to choosing a dinner spot. Filipino is not a cuisine that you're experienced in, so check it out tonight. It's deeply based in Spanish flavors, as you'll see with the spicy arroz valenciana.


Something inside of you may want to go a little wild today. But you still won't want you to stray too far from your conservative roots. It'll be easy to find a compromise tonight, so visit a seafood restaurant for dinner, and boldly order the Manhattan rather than New England clam chowder.


Don't be surprised if you're mocked and humiliated after sharing your visions with friends today. They may think that you're crazy and they won't follow in your footsteps. It may be hard to convince people that a vegetarian diet is healthier, particularly when you're surrounded by meat eaters.


You may find the culinary habits of some people to be far-fetched and unrealistic. You can't comprehend eating raw fish or foods that are still moving. But one visit to a Japanese restaurant will tell you how wrong you are, and you may find yourself developing a healthy addiction to uni.

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