Your Daily FoodScope for December 08, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Being tactless and bullying at the office won't enhance the reputation you're so concerned about. So tone down the nastiness and try being friendly for once. Treat co-workers to lunch, even if sashimi, maki rolls, and miso soup costs you a pretty penny.


A can of tuna may be inconsequential to you, but it could be a day's meal for someone less fortunate. So go out and buy a few more of those, as well as cans of chicken or vegetable soup. Donate them to a food drive. Every little bit will help those who have nothing.


Hard work combined with meticulous planning will spell success today. But you may not be so punctilious when dinner rolls around. Picking up the phone and ordering a pepperoni pizza may be as detailed as it gets tonight, although you will go through the trouble of making your own garlic bread.


Your talent for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat will come in handy today. It may be only a matter of time before you're turning loaves into fishes. Hopefully those fishes will be swordfish that yield thick steaks that can be grilled and served with a delicious citrus pesto.


It takes more than exercise to build the body beautiful. A healthy and sensible diet may be even more important. So be sure to eat protein rich meals of chicken or salmon, along with plenty of veggies, whole grain carbs and fruit. It may sound dull, but the sexy results will be well worth it.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Your hard work will pay off in kudos and a hearty slap on the back from the boss. That's nice, but it won't put extra money in your pocket. So dinner may have to be on the cheap tonight. A Salisbury steak TV dinner will seem like a feast to you, especially the one with the chocolate pudding.


You may be feeling weird today, a little bit left of center. So let your food choices reflect your peculiar state of mind. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches will be a great lunch choice. Hey, if it worked for Elvis it can work for you, especially if you deep-fry 'em!


You'll get on swimmingly with everyone today. Your pleasant disposition will have people wanting to be in your company. It could be a good day for everyone to go to lunch together. Enjoy something communal, like nachos, Buffalo wings and pizza. Sharing junk food is the essence of bonding.


Your penchant for original thought allows you to see past the obvious. So when friends suggest Italian for dinner, recommend a place that's strictly Sicilian. They'll flip for the Tonno Alla Palermitana! Then again, who doesn't love tuna marinated in white wine broiled with lemon, garlic and rosemary?


You'll need to impress the boss today as you angle for a promotion. Your work ethic speaks for itself, but you'll need to move him in other ways. Taking him to lunch is a good idea, but be careful of your choices. Splitting a burrito with him may not have the effect you're looking for.


Troubles will rain from the sky today. A complicated day will leave you frustrated and exhausted. You'll need to something to make you feel better fast. A big, gooey plate of lasagna at your favorite Italian restaurant will get you there, while a few glasses of red wine will seal the deal.


Ennui and a lack of enthusiasm will have you and your friends doing the same old things. But it's easy to part those clouds by putting a new twist on the familiar. Adding calamari rings to a marinara sauce will give a wonderful flavor and texture to your next spaghetti and meatball meal.

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