Your Daily DogScope for August 11, 2022

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Your owner is exploring new cultures in the form of food. Those doggy bags don't move you. You're a regular meat and potatoes -- make that meat and meat -- kind of dog. You'll have to stick to the cans.


Don't join the first pack that invites you in. Do some shopping around. Do you want a pack for fun and action, or protection? Do looks count? Breed? These questions need answering first.


You like to let the world know what's on your mind. You let it all out: your hopes, wishes, frustrations. Take some advice: Keep some of that to yourself, if only to give the neighbors some peace.


Take your time today. Don't bark right away. You've ignored the many other skills at your command. Try smelling, listening, watching -- anything but reacting emotionally.


It's not all about submission and dominance, Leo. It could be a completely different experience if you change your attitude. Being taught tricks could be a lot of fun if you become eager to learn.

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Why must other dogs be so combative? You're a sweetheart, but you're outnumbered. Avoid the dog park today, and don't respond to fence barkers, either. You'd rather have a peaceful day.


There's just no compromising in you. When it comes to rawhide, your chow bowl or your owner's lap, it's a selfish thing. Watch out, you may come across another dog as unaware of selflessness as you are.


You'll be butting heads, and it could get ugly. Give grumpier creatures than you a wide birth, especially the feline creatures. All your bluster will only back fire today.


They just all go hand in hand -- fun leads to romance, romance leads to children. That doesn't mean you're out of the picture, though. You're still top dog in the doghouse.


Your owner might find all the barking and growling annoying, but that won't make you stop. Protecting your humans is a big responsibility. Their safety and security is more important to you than your own likability.


The altruism of your humans used to cause amazement. Now you're just used to being put first. Would you share your chow they way they do, or brave all weather for them? Give it some thought.


You need some privacy. It's hard to eat when you're chow is just out in the open. But nothing short of camouflage will help you feel comfortable. Just let yourself get absorbed with the task at hand and block out all distractions.

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