Your Daily Couples Horoscope for May 24, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Your ability to focus is beyond impressive. If you two keep up this pace, the results from your efforts will be spectacular. Others may not recognize your accomplishments right away, but they'll soon be on board.


It's time for you two to lighten up. Make a conscious effort to toss aside old burdens. Laugh more. These challenging times often bring out the best (and most surprising) side of each of you.


You have a gift for turning riches into more riches. You and your partner need to think about investing for the future. Just keep in mind that riches truly become wealth when they're used with compassion and love.


A formerly troubled soul is an inspiration to you and your partner. Watching someone get their act together motivates your joint sense of possibility. A good place to start? Learning how to praise yourself.


If left unchecked, minor snafus could end up becoming major mistakes. Fortunately, you two have plenty of time to check your work. This will ensure that everything goes swimmingly, and it'll give you peace of mind.

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Good times happen when you least expect them. So go ahead and make plans, but be willing to be spontaneous. Fate has a delightful surprise in store for you two, and it can't offer it if your day is too structured.


You find more about yourself and your partner during high-stakes circumstances. This current situation feels like a gamble, but if you breathe deeply and keep your nerves steady, you'll be fine.


It's perfectly legit to say "maybe some other time" to your partner if you don't feel like going along for the ride. It's also perfectly legit to say no. Believe it or not, that simple word is a complete sentence.


It's time to take a stand against what someone else expects (or takes for granted) from you. Heck, stand up against your own unrealistic expectations. It's time to rethink how you two interact with each other.


A Hail Mary pass is just the ticket. Every relationship needs to do something risky now and then to put some excitement back in the game. So what's a crazy dream you two have had on the back burner? Go for it.


Like a bolt from the blue, a great gift lands in your laps. Now what? First, you have to jump and scream. Next, you might want to celebrate. If it's just the two of you, that's fine.


You aren't responsible for your mate's ever-changing moods. What you can do is notice when and how they affect you. It's important to accept each other in a relationship, but you still have to stand up for yourself.

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