Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 27, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


If your partner keeps saying it's taken care of but you know it isn't, what should you do? That's a tough one. The stars say you can do it yourself, or it's time to have a state of the union talk.


Some people have a take-it-or-leave-it attitude toward love, but not you. You're conscientious and responsible and yet you still know how to keep romance exciting. Your partner was smart to snap you up!


Deciding where you want to go next doesn't always have to happen via committee. If you have a pretty good idea of the next steps to take, speak now. Your significant other is more than willing to follow.


You're waiting for reassurance, but your partner doesn't realize that's what you need right now. This is easily resolved. Tell them what's going on with you and what they can do to help you get past this.


You've got what it takes to lead, especially on a fascinating new project. Your partner understands your charisma already runs pretty high, but even they might be taken aback by how irresistible you are right now.

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You might be tempted by something that seems new and exciting, but keep in mind that all that glitters is not gold. Your relationship is the real thing, with no hidden tricks or false promises.


Conversation is at its best when you engage in profound listening. You really get that right now, and your partner feels cherished when you pay such close attention to what they have to say. In return, love blooms.


You want to indulge your senses. Your partner wants you to do what makes you happy. Well, it will make you very happy if you get to indulge your senses with their company as an added benefit.


A sound mind in a healthy body. It's a happy duo, and the two of you will be happier if you pay attention to both those items. Commit to a better lifestyle that actually benefits yourselves and your community too.


Yes, you and your partner are very close, but do you have to take their behavior personally? Sometimes what's going on with them has nothing to do with you even if it appears to be exactly the opposite.


You might feel like you're getting a lot of conflicting information today, and your partner's signals are difficult to read. Trust your intuition and you'll be able to sort it all out.


Your compassionate nature is an essential part of who you are. That's why all kinds of people love talking to you, including your partner. Just make sure they don't mistake you for a free therapist. Rein them in.

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