Your Daily CatScope for November 30, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Show the other kitties or kids how it's done today -- you ought to be able to pioneer some new game or trick and get them all dancing to your beat. It's good to play follow the leader, as long as you're the leader!


Someone is in a big hurry and that could be driving you crazy. See if you can avoid them for now -- or, better still, show them how they can enjoy life more by slowing down and just chilling.


Your most fervent desires are more out in the open than they have been in a while and that could mean that you're finally ready to tell the humans sin no uncertain terms what you really want!


Your fur might get all puffy over nothing today -- or so it seems to outsiders. You know why you're riled up, but of course you can't tell anyone what's really going on. Deal with it on your own.


You've got to admit that you like to meet new people, even if you're shy at first -- or for quite a long time! It may be that you run into someone new today who makes you think differently about their species.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


You're in no mood for nonsense today and might actually get your claws out when some dumb kitten -- or anyone else, really -- gets in your face. Make sure they take you seriously!


If things look bad today, that just means you need a feline attitude adjustment. See if you can get the perspective you need, though it may take all day for you to get there. Quiet time should help!


When you see someone who's sad or freaked out, you know just what to do -- and you step in to help them immediately. Somehow, your altruism switch got flipped while you were sleeping!


You are feeling totally engaged with one person in your life -- human, kitty or something much more alien! Spend some of that good energy on them and see what comes of it -- you never know!


Stick to the path you've chosen today -- even if there's a big dog or something even scarier in your way! You can face down almost any challenge as long as you show off your determination.


You're stunned -- in a good way -- by something that pops up early today. You may be used to surprises by now, but you can still be amazed at some of the things those humans decide to do.


Something completely baffling happens to you early today and that could keep your mind occupied for a long time thereafter. It's a good bet that the answer is going to come from one of the humans.

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