Your Daily CatScope for July 07, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You're all over the place right now and can hardly believe how great the day can be! If you can run around outside, things are great, but even if you're cooped up (how unfair!), you can find a way to have fun.


Let the other cats act crazy today -- you would much rather just sit still and play it safe. You may find that humans are trying to provoke you to play or mess around, but you're just not that into it.


You've been waiting for so long to take action, your feline mind may have forgotten what all the fuss was about. But today is the day -- rush for the door or swat at that know-it-all kitten to show them who's boss.


Take care of yourself as if you were a kitten -- you deserve to be coddled! Wash yourself thoroughly, let yourself play with wild abandon and cry for more food if you're feeling hungry. Go for it.


You can't help but have fun today, even if you feel like you're not totally sure what you're doing. It's a good time to make up silly games on the fly, maybe with ribbons or wadded balls of paper.

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You're not as much fun as usual today, if only because you'd just rather sit still on your own than play when people or other kitties offer. That's okay -- you'll be back in business pretty soon!


You can't help but explore -- it's in your nature. Today's energy brings a surge of restlessness that can only be settled by getting in somewhere you've never been before. You can always sleep tomorrow!


Don't play it safe today. That doesn't mean go run out into traffic like a crazy cat, but it might mean taking on a larger critter or letting the humans know when you're dissatisfied with their service.


Your high spirits keep you amused and engaged with the world all day long -- so much so that your more suspicious human friends might think you're plotting something! Let them know you mean no harm.


You know how things ought to be and if they're not matching up to your ideal, it's time to complain to the management. They may or may not hear you out, but at least they'll know for sure how you feel.


You want nothing more than to just hang out with the folks in your life. Humans, kitties, dogs, whomever -- you don't care what you're all up to, as long as you're spending quality time together.


You can't get away with too much today, because someone in authority is almost always watching. But why be naughty anyway? You're fine with playing nice and acting like the best little kitty in the world.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.