Your Daily CatScope for August 17, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Strike up a conversation with a passing human and see what they've got to say. You never know -- they might just throw you a curve ball that ends up making you a brand-new best friend!


Your need for speed is burning a hole in the carpet -- or winning you every race outside, if you get to leave the house. You might not be going anywhere in particular, but you sure get there quickly!


You're better able to communicate with people, kitties and any other critter you come into contact with, despite some pretty severe language barriers. A simple purr or meow is enough to let them know.


You may get a bit crazy today, thanks to an infusion of big-cat energy from a distant ancestor. You won't attack anyone, of course, but you might get to stalking or even to pouncing on someone!


Now is the time to speak up to your human family about what you want most in the world. Sure, they won't get it precisely right, but they might end up making a surprisingly good guess!

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You're kind of ruthless today, though not so much that you forget who your real friends are. See if you can find a good way to include them in your plans, but don't feel bad if you have to go it alone.


You like spending time with others and today that is especially true. Snuggle up with a good bud, or go out looking for new friends. Either way, you should find that the day rewards you!


You can't stop wondering what's going on out there in the wider world -- it's just too weird to stop staring. You're probably too spooked to actually head out and investigate, but it's fun to watch.


You can tell that it all comes down to you and your efforts to make things happen, so see if you can find a good way to influence the situation without looking too obvious while you're at it.


You can't stay focused on any one activity for very long, but why should you? On other days, you're pretty serious, but for now, there's just no reason to do anything but what your mood leads you to do.


You should find that it's much easier than usual to make new friends -- even with those who ordinarily hate felines! Your good energy just makes you irresistible and you may find that they keep coming back.


Try not to freak out too much if things get going too quickly for you, but you might not be able to help yourself. It's not a good day to move too far from your favorite spot, actually.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.