CriemScene, 6.25

Jun. 25—According to reports filed by police:


Jessica Lane: Police responded late at night about a trespasser. The guy who made the complaint escorted police to the mobile home next door upon their arrival. He banged on the door. "Drew!" he said. Then he knocked on the back door. "Drew!" Drew answered the door. "Where's Blayden?" the guy asked Drew. "Right here," Drew said. And he was. The 22-year-old went to jail for criminal trespass.

Albermarle Street: A man brought a knife to a fistfight. When police arrived and learned the scalawag had cut the other fellow, they threw the 60-year-old in jail for aggravated assault.

Johnston and 2nd streets: Police stopped a driver for a traffic violation after hours. Police subsequently discovered possible contributing factors for the man's poor driving. He went to jail for DUI.


Gloucester and Union streets: From city police reports: "A male flagged down an officer to turn in a pistol magazine and bullets he found at Mary Ross Park."

Some Welcome Wagon

1200 block of R Street: A resident called police to report that someone was breaking into a neighboring home. Not exactly, police discovered. The man was in the process of moving into his new residence, it turned out.


2800 block of Ellis Street: A man showed up at the hospital emergency room on the day shift with a "gunshot wound to the foot," police reported. The victim got shot during a holdup, he told the cops. Police are investigating.

Shot At

1400 block of London Street: From city police: "Complainant reported being shot at. Scene located and evidence collected."

Kid Stuff

Glynnvilla Apartments: A woman left some groceries on her front porch, just long enough for a miscreant to happen along and swipe them. The cops caught up to the grocery gremlin, at which point his mom agreed to compensate the woman for the groceries eaten by her son.

— Larry Hobbs