Creepy TikTok trend has captivated over 10 million viewers

A new, rather unusual trend has cropped up on TikTok within recent weeks. People are trying out past life regression therapy on themselves. past life regression therapy is a technique where a patient is hypnotized in order to recover memories from previous lives. This form of therapy — although “therapy” is used loosely here — suggests that we carry “evidence” from our former lives in our current self. In order to access these memories through hypnotism, the patient must totally be open and believing in the idea of reincarnation. According to various accounts of being hypnotized for this type of therapy, when done correctly. you sink into a relaxed and conscious state and images and sensations begin to appear as the hypnotist starts asking you questions. The hashtag #pastliferegression has 13.2 million views as of July 30. A lot of users remain skeptical about how well this hypnotism works, but several TikTokers shared emotional follow-up videos about their experiences