Credit Repair Reviews Is Providing Honest Reviews of Credit Repair Services Based on Actual Results

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / June 14, 2021 / With over a decade of experience reviewing this type of service, the company helps those who are seeking professional help to help repair their credit scores. On top of providing honest reviews and recommendations, Credit Repair Services also contains information on how credit score repair works in general.

Credit scores are not final, nor are they perfect. Many everyday consumers assume that they have no right to meddle with their credit scores or that there's something shady about hiring a credit repair company. But both assumptions couldn't be further from the truth. As Credit Repair Services explains on their website:

"Although many people think that credit repair is not possible or that using an online credit repair company is illegal or a scam, the fact remains that hiring one of these online credit repair companies is completely 100% legal, and is your right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)."

In other words, consumers have the right to work to present their credit history in the best light possible. And that's what credit repair services do - the issue is, these companies are not created equal. Some credit repair companies have a better track history than others, and it can be hard for regular consumers to figure out which of the available options is the best. That's where Credit Repair Reviews comes in.

Ranking credit repair services
Created in 2008, is now home to a large number of detailed reviews of rankings covering major players in the credit score repair market. The website's team puts together these reviews based on firsthand experience with these various services, and they rank different credit repair services based on a variety of factors. Some of their ranking criteria include:

  • Real Results: This looks at which services helped the reviewers obtain actual credit repair deletions on their reports, and looks at which companies deliver the level of results they advertise.

  • Experience: This looks at how long a company has been in the market, and how much expertise its team has in the field. This gives older companies an advantage, although this will only help a company rank higher if they also perform well on the other criteria.

  • Turnaround Time: How fast does the service get the job done? Speed is important for consumers, so Credit Repair Reviews deducts points from companies that keep clients in their programs for lengthy periods.

They also consider whether or not the service provides any guarantees or warranties, and whether or not they provide free consultations. A full list of the raking criteria used by Credit Repair Reviews' can be found on the company's website, alongside relevant disclaimers and other explanations about their methodology. The company understands how important transparency is if their rankings are to be trusted, so they make an effort to keep things clear.

To see which service is currently ranked as #1 by Credit Repair Reviews, visit the company's website.

Are credit repair services the only option?
Credit Repair Reviews also hosts information on how users can tackle the credit repair process themselves. And while the DIY approach isn't the most convenient, it is nonetheless a viable option. On the subject of DIY credit score repair, the company said:

'You 100% most certainly can tackle this on your own. You would simply need to pull your current credit reports and go over each of them very closely and look for any incorrect information. You would then dispute all of the erroneous information that you found by writing letters to the respective creditors as well as to the credit bureaus. You have the right to do it on your own and/or hire a credit repair company. If you have the time and patience, by all means, do it on your own because you will save money.'

Credit Repair Reviews

SOURCE: Credit Repair Reviews

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