Council discusses funding for NEDC

Mar. 3—NORWALK — City council members discussed providing funding for the Norwalk Economic Development Corporation (NEDC).

Councilperson Matt Doughty mentioned during budget discussions the city hasn't provided the normal amount of funding for NEDC.

NEDC is a public-private nonprofit partnership promoting the Norwalk area and its businesses to support growth and stability.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, last year the city reduced the amount given to NEDC to $40,000.

"I'd like to see an ordinance put forth for council to look at funding for NEDC this year," Doughty said. "They do serve a very important function in the community and we need to make sure that they're firing on all cylinders as we continue the recovery locally."

Councilperson Steve Schumm said he agrees with Doughty and is interested in funding for NEDC.

Mayor Dave Light said he would take the lead on developing legislation and Doughty and Schumm would co-sponsor.

Council decided to continue budget discussions next week. Before March 31, council must pass the full-year budget. Currently, the city has a temporary budget in place for the first three months of the year.

Council passed one ordinance Tuesday evening, authorizing the use of funds for the traffic signal at Emerald Parkway and appropriating donations for the McGuan Park project.

After the first reading, an ordinance updating a list of zoning districts was tabled and referred to the planning commission.

In other action, Light said he spoke with Green Circle Growers and is planning to hold a meeting with the community and company in May to discuss the Cline Street property and plans.

Public works director Aaron Osborn also provided an update on the water tower. The tower had to be drained in order to install a 12-inch pipeline last week.

Osborn said the tower should be back in operation by the end of the week.