These Closet Organization Ideas Will Expand Your Storage Space

woman organizing closet
woman organizing closet

Westend61 / Getty Images

Systemizing your closet will save you from the chaos of frantically searching for that dress or scarf last minute (with no end in sight). Plus, a clutter-free space does more than just look good: In the long run, it prevents you from spending excess money (no more buying duplicates or pieces you don't actually need). And if you think that the closet organization process can be overwhelming, complicated, or expensive, we have good news for you. With the right closet organization ideas, you'll be well on your way to a stress-free, clear space in no time.

Ahead, we tapped Ashley Murphy and Marissa Hagmeyer, organizing experts and co-founders of NEAT Method, to share their best tips for creating the ultimately functional closet.

Related: How to Keep Your Closet Organized for Good

Do a Purge

You don't need to splurge on expensive custom built-ins to achieve an organized look. Instead, "the very first thing you need to do when you start to organize your closet is take everything out of the space," Murphy says. This helps you get a clear visual of the area and account for everything you have, making it easy "to go through your items and decide what to keep and what to part with," Murphy shares.


This brings us to the next phase: decluttering, which can be a challenging feat for some (and understandably so). It's not always instantly clear which items should be tossed or kept. To avoid confusion, Murphy suggests letting go of "items you have not worn in the last year, are damaged, or no longer fit well," prioritizing sustainable decluttering at all times. "We always suggest consigning or donating before throwing anything away," Murphy adds.

Pile of Clothes
Pile of Clothes

Poh Kim Yeoh/EyeEm/Getty Images

Start Sorting

Once you're clear on the clothes and accessories you're keeping, "sort them into categories based on likeness (i.e., shoes, undergarments, swimwear, workout gear, etc.)," Murphy explains. Sorting is a non-negotiable step—this strategy helps "you determine how many items you have in each category and where to place everything in your closet," she says.

Measure Your Space

Before rushing out to buy organizing products like bins and baskets to give your categorized items a home, "take the time to measure your space, so you are buying products that actually fit in your closet," Murphy notes. At a minimum, measure the width, height, and depth of your closet shelves and drawers. Also, calculate any extra space you plan on using for storage. Take photos, too—and, you'll be fully prepared to buy the best organizers for your space.

Use Baskets and Bins

Curious about the best organizing products to buy first? Bins and baskets. The Oxford Bin ($16, is one of the best storage solutions for open shelving in closets. Made from a "lightweight and durable fabric, it's easy to lift from all heights and holds up to frequent use," shares Hagmeyer. Bonus: Its structured shape is ideal for file folding clothing.

Categorize by Use

As you start arranging your pieces back into your closet, consider what items you reach for regularly and store those in easy-to-reach places. For items you use less frequently, set those "in harder-to-reach places, like a top shelf or back corner," adds Murphy, which maximizes accessibility.

wood Hangers with clothes
wood Hangers with clothes

Orbon Alija / Getty Image

Buy the Right Hangers

To create an even dreamier space, focus on your hangers. "The number-one way to create more space in your closet and provide a uniform look is to swap out your hangers for a matching slimline version," says Hagmeyer. To use this space-saving trick, try the slim Everyday Hangers ($30,; they not only look beautiful, "but have the perfect amount of grip to keep clothing in place," Hagmeyer says.

Put Your Dresser Inside

Another incredibly easy closet organization idea is to bring your dresser inside if space allows. And to ensure your dresser reaches its full potential, use one of Hagmeyer's go-to organizing products: the expandable Acacia Drawer Dividers ($19, These pieces create zones and keep items divided by category. Plus, "they come in four different sizes to fit in a variety of drawer sizes and give a custom look—and they can easily be moved around if your organizing needs change," Hagmeyer adds.

Use Trays for Accessories

Hagmeyer also recommends keeping your tiny pieces, like jewelry and small accessories, at the forefront of your organizing project, so they don't get lost in the shuffle; try the Lined Acaia Trays ($38,, which can be stacked in a drawer, but "are also pretty enough to leave out in the open," Hagmeyer says, adding, "The variety of configurations are sure to keep all your different jewelry pieces separated and organized."


For a finishing touch, label your sorted items—a technique bound to give you a clean aesthetic and make finding items a breeze. "The best way to assure your closet stays neatly organized is to add a Label Holders Set ($30, and a Blank Label Set ($8,, so you know exactly what belongs in each bin," exclaims Hagmeyer.