How to Clean a Pizza Stone So It Lasts Forever

If you've ever used a pizza stone, then you probably already know it's the secret ingredient for a deliciously crispy crust on your homemade pizza. The one small problem: how do you remove all that baked-on cheese and grease from a pizza stone once you're done devouring your culinary masterpiece? Learning how to clean a pizza stone the right way means cleaning the stone using as little water as possible. Here's why: water that's absorbed by the stone will actually prevent a crispy crust and attempts to the dry the stone in a hot oven could actually cause the stone to crack. Yikes! To keep your homemade pizza crispy and your pizza stone clean, follow these steps to clean a pizza stone so it lasts for many years to come.

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What You'll Need:

  • Pizza stone brush (such as this one) or nylon dish brush

  • Silicone pan scraper

  • Baking soda

  • Dishcloths

How to Clean a Pizza Stone:

  1. Before you start, make sure the stone is completely cool. Wet the stone with just a small amount of hot water (you want to avoid submerging it completely!). Then scrub the surface with a pizza stone brush. This inexpensive cleaning tool is worth investing in, but if you don’t have one yet, you can use a nylon dish brush.

  2. To remove stuck-on food bits, most pizza stone brushes come with a built-in scraper, or you can grab a silicone pan scraper.

  3. Clear away any crumbs or grease with a damp cloth, then dry the stone thoroughly with a dishcloth.

  4. Cleaning Stains: Over time, your pizza stone will develop stains and a natural patina. You don't have to clean these stains and many of them likely won't go away, but if you want to scrub them, here's how: Combine water and baking soda to form a paste. Using a damp cloth or brush, scrub in a circular motion, concentrating on the stained areas.

  5. Wipe away all of the baking soda with a damp cloth and dry the stone with a dishtowel. Be sure to let the stone air-dry completely before making your next homemade pizza.