Chef Joe Cash loves the chopped steak at S&S Cafeteria

Wanna know how you can tell Joe Cash is a regular at S&S Cafeteria in Greenville? The chef, who is slated to open his elegant, French-inspired restaurant, Scoundrel this fall, not only knows the best place to park but he knows which door to go in.

Tip: Park on the East North Street side.

On a Thursday at lunchtime, other patrons confuse the traditional Southern cafeteria restaurant’s takeout area with the main entrance, but Cash slides right inside, follows the winding path to the counter and barely hesitates before he places his order.

“What’ll ya have today?” the server asked.

“The chopped steak, please,” Cash answered without hesitation.

This is Cash’s go-to, his staple meal here, and he rarely strays. The chef has worked at some of the best restaurants in the world and loves a good caviar service and dim sum, but Cash has a special place in his heart for S&S’s chopped steak.

On this Thursday, Cash almost got the cracklin cornbread too, but decided against it. He highly recommends it though.

“It’s such a comfort food,” Cash said.

We know chefs by what they themselves create, but what do they eat? Follow along as we dine with local chefs to find out their go-to places, where they go for comfort food and what they eat when they’re not cooking in a restaurant kitchen.

On chopped steak and memories

Cash’s relationship with S&S began decades earlier when he was a kid growing up in Greenville. With two working parents, he and his older sister had to find things to do during the summer. They spent ample time at the pool and at friends’ houses, but on days they didn’t have anything to do, their grandfather would pick the kids up and take them to lunch. It was part entertainment, part get out of the house and part quality time.

As a kid, S&S was like a playground, Cash recalls. You get your own tray, you get to choose exactly what you want, oh, and there are little glass bowls of Jell-O.

“This was a treat when you were a kid,” Cash said with a smile, pushing his tray down the line.

Instead, he chooses fried okra and macaroni and cheese.

“It’s the best mac and cheese in the world,” Cash confidently exclaims.

Cash honestly can’t remember the first time he came to S&S. Today, it’s more the cumulation of the hundreds of visits over the years that fill the space of his memory bank. So, he can’t really remember why he started ordering the chopped steak, but it’s pretty much the only thing he gets now.

When you ask him what makes it so great, the chef pauses, grins and thinks for a minute.

“It’s more of a memory that you kind of cling to,” Cash said. “It’s a hamburger and it's sitting in Minor’s beef jus that you pour out of a bottle, but it’s tasty. It’s probably got more fat in it than you can realistically pump into a burger, but it’s just delish.”

More:Coming home: Chef Joe Cash returns to Greenville with plans to open Scoundrel restaurant

In 2010, Cash moved to New York and after pounding the pavement, landed a stage and eventually a job at Per Se. The Michelin-star restaurant launched him into a world of fine cuisine and lit a fire for the culinary world that has only since grown.

He moved to Copenhagen, Denmark in 2013 to work at NOMA, then the best restaurant in the world.

When he returned to New York, Cash found himself at a crux, feeling the pull to do something of his own, but also feeling like he wasn’t done with New York. He spent seven years at The Pool, a concept he helped build from the ground up and for which he garnered recognition as a highly skilled chef.

In 2020, COVID-19 had decimated New York City, Cash says, and he and his wife Jocelyn began thinking about a change. They officially moved to Greenville in October of 2021.

It didn't take long for Cash and Jocelyn and their now 8-month-old son, Thor, to fall in step with the regular family lunches at S&S. When restaurants were shut down, the family would get their food to go and meet at a local park.

Now, they meet most Tuesdays. The tradition has continued and, in some ways, has become more meaningful now with the loss of Cash’s grandfather decades ago and the sudden loss of his mother earlier this year.

“Food always takes you back,” Cash said. “Every happy memory typically is surrounded by food. You get engaged; you remember the meal. You remember Christmas Eve, you remember the Chinese food you had before.

“There’s always a meal involved.

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This article originally appeared on Greenville News: Scoundrel restaurant owner Joe Cash loves S&S Cafeteria