How to Care for Ice Plant

Photo credit: izzzy71
Photo credit: izzzy71

Sure, you've got annuals, perennials and shrubs in your garden already. But here's another must-have for plant lovers: Ice plant, also known by its botanical name Delosperma, is a sturdy, low-growing succulent with tons of sassy style and brilliant color. Oh, and did we say it isn't the least bit difficult to grow?

Incidentally, delosperma shouldn’t be confused with another plant, also called ice plant, which actually is a different and invasive species with the botanical name, Carpobrotus. The plants look somewhat alike but delosperma is a well-behaved, non-invasive plant that works in many different garden settings from cottage-style to contemporary. “The foliage is interesting, and it’s super-easy to grow,” says Katie Tamony of Monrovia Nursery. “It doesn’t mind poor soil, blooms from spring to fall, and needs minimum water. It’s a great low-maintenance plant for any garden.”

Here’s how to care for this just-about-perfect landscape plant.

How do I care for delosperma?

Because ice plant isn't fussy, you don’t have to do much! Give it full sun to get the most blooms. That means six or more hours of direct sun. Like most flowering plants, it won’t bloom well in shaded areas. It doesn’t mind heat, so it’s a great choice for reliable summer color in the hottest part of the year.

Plant your delosperma plant in a hole that’s slightly wider and at the same depth as it is in the pot. Water it now, then keep an eye on it for the next few months and give it a drink only if it hasn’t rained in a few weeks. But don’t overdo it because it doesn’t like to stay moist and can rot if it remains too wet, says Tamony. It also prefers sandy or well-draining soil. If you have clay, it’s better off planted in pots. Its bright colors look fabulous in pots on a sunny deck or near a swimming pool.

Will delosperma come back?

Delosperma is a perennial in most of the country, up to USDA hardiness zone 5 (check for your zone here). In colder climates, let it get a little dry in the fall so it hardens off and gets ready for cold weather, says Tamony.

Does delosperma spread quickly?

Ice plant spreads fasts, generally doubling in size the first year. That’s one of the reasons it’s a good choice for hillsides for erosion control. There are many different colors and varieties, but most stay between three to six inches tall. It’s beautiful in rock gardens, along the front of borders and as a great ground cover. Pollinators also love this bright and cheery little plant that stays in bloom all season long. Go on, get a few for your garden! There's always room for one more plant, and this one won't need coddling.

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