Buffalo Niagara Art Association exhibit opens Sunday

Jun. 12—The Buffalo Niagara Art Association is presenting a number of local artists' work at the Kenan House Gallery in Lockport for an exhibition that opens to the public on Sunday.

The BNAA is an artistically diverse network of Western New York artists bonded together to promote community understanding and interest in the visual arts by holding group exhibitions of members' works. The juried show will include paintings, watercolors, acrylics, oils & pastels.

BNAA members on exhibit include:

—Brien Berberich

—Dennis Bertram

—Paula Marie Borkowski

—Joseph Bucolo

—Enid Edelman

—Diane Goupil

—Donna Hale

—Sandra Heath

—Jean Jain

—Paulette Jurek

—Jean MacDonald

—Michelle Marcotte

—Manning McCandlish

—William McCullagh

—Kathleen McDonnell

—Sherryl Perez

—Marie Prince

—Judie Pufpaff

—Martha Rogala

—Kath Schifano

—Melinda Schneider

—Joan Langley Shaw

The Kenan House Gallery is open to the public Monday through Friday from noon to 4 p.m. and Sunday 2 to 4 p.m.. Individuals and groups can call 433-2617 to schedule their visit. Exhibition will be on view thruugh July 18.

More information can be found at www.kenancenter.org or by calling 433-2617.