Hamleys reveals top 10 toys for Christmas 2019, including a 'smart' Pictionary and a Fortnite Nerf gun

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Founded 259 years ago, Hamleys of London remains one of the finest toy shops in the world and a true expert in its field.

Which is why when the British brand reveals its top Christmas toys, we take note.

Interestingly, not one soft toy has earned a spot in this year’s top 10 list. Instead, Hamleys predicts parents will largely be shopping tech toys.

From Lego’s first augmented reality Paranormal Bus, to a new 'smart’ Pictionary device, there’s definitely a digital twist to the must-have toys for 2019.

Pictionary’s not the only classic board game that’s had a technological do-over. While it might not have made the top 10 list, there’s a new cashless version of Monopoly out this year. The 2019 sees a voice controlled, electronic Mr Monopoly taking charge.

But back to the top 10. A number of favourites have also made the cut, including the new LOL Surprise Chalet Dollhouse, Poopsie Surprise Dolls and brand new Stuff-a-Luvs.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s never too early to start Christmas shopping...