When will the population of B.C. be vaccinated? Age is a major factor

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B.C. has released its COVID-19 vaccination plan, which goes until the end of September, with age being a care factor in the rollout.

B.C.s COVID-19 Immunization Plan (BCCDC)
B.C.s COVID-19 Immunization Plan (BCCDC)

The province is currently in the first phase of its vaccine plan, which targets residents and staff in long-term care, assisted living, essential visitors, hospital workers that may provide care for COVID-19 patients and Indigenous communities.

In phase two, throughout February and March, individuals 80 years old, and older, who have not been vaccinated yet, will be able to access COVID-19 vaccine. Also on the list will be seniors over the age of 65 in Indigenous communities, more hospital staff, community general practitioners, medial specialists not immunized, vulnerable populations living and working in congregate settings (ex. shelters), staff in community home support and nurses caring for seniors.

In phase three, from April to June, B.C. will start to vaccinate people between the ages of 60 and 79 in five-year age cohorts. This will also include younger British Columbians are extremely clinically vulnerable, including people with specific cancers, individuals with severe respiratory conditions, people on immunosuppression therapies, adults with significant developmental disabilities, women who are pregnant with significant hear disease, individuals on dialysis or with chronic kidney disease.

Timeline for first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine for each age cohort in phase three:

  • People aged 79 to 60, in five year increments:

    • 79 to 75 (D1 April, D2 May)

    • 74 to 70 (D1 April/May, D2 May/June)

    • 69 to 65 (D1 May/June, D2 June/July)

    • 64 to 60 (D1 June, D2 July)

  • People aged 69 to 16 who are clinically extremely vulnerable (D1 and D2 April/June)

The final stage, phase four from July to September, will continue with vaccines being offered to younger people in B.C.

Timeline for first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine for each age cohort in phase four:

People aged 59 to 18, in five year increments:

  • 59 to 55 (D1 July, D2 August)

  • 54 to 50 (D1 July, D2 August)

  • 49 to 45 (D1 July, D2 August)

  • 44 to 40 (D1 July, D2 August)

  • 39 to 35 (D1 July/August, D2 August/September)

  • 34 to 30 (D1 August, D2 September)

  • 29 to 25 (D1 August/September, D2 September)

  • 24 to 18 (D1 and D2 September)

Pre-registration for individuals between the ages of 75 and 79 is set to begin in March. People will be able to register for their vaccine appointment two to four weeks before they are eligible, through a mobile device, computer or phone.

The province plans to have clinics in 172 communities, which will include school gymnasiums, arenas, convention halls, community halls and mobile clinics in some rural areas. Everyone who gets their first vaccine dose will be notified by email, text or phone call when they can book an appointment for their second dose.

Vaccine immunization card

B.C. vaccine immunization record card (BCCDC)
B.C. vaccine immunization record card (BCCDC)

Everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine in B.C. will receive a paper and digital copy of an immunization record card.

Residents of B.C. will be able to sign up for the provincial health gateway to access the digital card. The online database is accessible to the individual, their own physician and public health.

While the province moves though its COVID-19 vaccine plan, Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer, said there are still many unknowns about how this COVID-19 situation will unfold but with the existing orders set until Feb. 5, provincial officials will see if any measures can be loosened at that time.

Dr. Henry anticipates that by the summer, some aspect of “normal lives” may return, but doesn’t anticipate that all measures that were implemented to curb the spread of COVID-19 will be gone until at least the fall.

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