How your attachment style influences your romantic relationships

Attachment style is a psychologicaltheory that analyzes the different typesof relationships between humans.better understanding your style of attachmentcan help you understand why you do certainthings or are attracted to certain people.1. Securely attached adults are satisfiedand confident in their relationships.They support their significantother and feel comfortable goingto them when they need help.2. Anxious Preoccupied Attachmentis found in people who look to theirpartners to complete them.Rather than expressing love or trust, theyexperience “emotional hunger” — a feeling ofloneliness that turns into desperation to fill avoid that cannot be fixed by another person.3. Those who have a dismissive avoidantattachment style typically fulfilled somesort of “parenting” role early on in life.They are emotionally distant and tend to leada more introverted lifestyle — often pretendingthat they do not need connections to be happy.They can turn their emotionsoff and not seem to react.4. A fearful avoidant attachment stylemeans that the person is both scared ofbecoming too close to someone and alsoscared of not being close to anyone.They view their partners as someoneto go to fulfill their needs, but also assomeone who is going to hurt them