Athlete of the Week Southeastern High School

Apr. 11—Name: Raelyn Severt

School: Southeastern High School

Grade: 12th

Age: 17

Sports: Volleyball, Basketball, Track

Claim to fame/honors: positive energy

Words you live by: A little light can make a big difference in the darkest night

Toughest opponent: myself

Biggest influence: my Mom

Game-day rituals: chewing gum and team prayer

What's on your bedroom walls: lots of pictures of friends and family and inspirational quotes

When I'm bored I like to ... watch Friends

Favorite movie: Harry Potter

Person who would play you in a movie: Lindsay Lohan

Favorite TV show: Friends

Favorite musical artists: Lee Brice and Morgan Wallen

Favorite book: anything Dr. Seuss

Favorite home-cooked meal: Sour-Kraut Bake

Favorite restaurant: Steak 'n Shake

Whose mind would you like to read: my best friends

Place where you'd love to travel: Hawaii

Talent you'd like to have: dancing

Favorite school subject: Math

Favorite athlete: Lily Bertemes

Favorite team: Ohio State

Something in the world I'd like to change: time

Favorite sports moment: in Basketball Tatum was throwing the basketball back inbounds and hit me in the head.

Favorite junk food: Brownie batter

Best thing about your favorite sport: the bond I had with the team