Artist recreates Louisiana's 'softness' with watercolors: Acadiana Makers

Tom Powers painted pages of old copies of Harper's Weekly magazine with watercolors and oil pastels when he was a child.

His first original painting was of the Taj Mahal, which he completed in his fourth-grade art class in Baton Rouge. He remembers that moment as when he became "hooked on art."

Now Powers, 77, aims to help others get hooked, teaching watercolor classes at the Lafayette Art Association.

He moved to Lafayette in 1976 and opened Tom Powers Gallery and Custom Framing, and over the years he did commercial, wedding and portrait photography and owned a black-and-white film processing business, in addition to painting.

Tom Powers, a Lafayette watercolor artist, teaching classes at the Lafayette Art Association. Thursday, July 28, 2022.
Tom Powers, a Lafayette watercolor artist, teaching classes at the Lafayette Art Association. Thursday, July 28, 2022.

His early art was mostly using oils, which he continues to like for still life paintings, but he transitioned to watercolor.

"With watercolors, it's easier for me to portray the softness of the atmosphere we have around here," Powers said. "It kind of envelopes you."

He also finds the medium relaxing.

"It's like a liquid lava lamp watching the colors come together," Powers said.

'You've got to have a lot of brush mileage'

Powers is mostly self-taught when it comes to painting, learning from books and workshops over the decades since his fourth-grade debut. But most of the learning is by doing — "through making a lot of bad paintings," Powers said.

Tom Powers, a Lafayette watercolor artist, teaching classes at the Lafayette Art Association. Thursday, July 28, 2022.
Tom Powers, a Lafayette watercolor artist, teaching classes at the Lafayette Art Association. Thursday, July 28, 2022.
Tom Powers is a Lafayette watercolor artist who teaches classes at the Lafayette Art Association.
Tom Powers is a Lafayette watercolor artist who teaches classes at the Lafayette Art Association.

He encourages the same learning through hands-on experience with his students, hoping also to teach them some "shortcuts" or tips so they don't have to make as many bad paintings, he jokes.

"I can't teach you how much paint or water to put on your brush," he said. "The only way to learn that is by making a lot of bad paintings. Even professional artists make bad paintings. You've got to have a lot of brush mileage."

He's been teaching at the Lafayette Art Association six years. In his current six-week course students worked on painting the leaves and stems of calla lilies.

"I like seeing people come along in their work," he said.

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Powers teaches beginning and intermediate painting at LAA, focusing on giving his students the basics.

"The purpose of this class is to get you started, to encourage you and give you a supportive group — and to have fun," he added. "It's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be relaxing and stress-relieving."

'You never stop learning'

During Thursday's class Powers painted different shades of green and yellow to create shadows and light on the stems and leaves on his paper.

"That's too grey, so I'm going to add more green," he said. "I want dark but not grey."

His students watched as he demonstrated, slowly dragging his brush from leaf to stem. Then they returned to their own tables set up with rags, paper, brushes and paint.

Some had cups of water, others small plastic buckets. One woman dipped her brushes into a glass Mt. Olive dill pickle jar of water.

Tom Powers, a Lafayette watercolor artist, teaching classes at the Lafayette Art Association. Thursday, July 28, 2022.
Tom Powers, a Lafayette watercolor artist, teaching classes at the Lafayette Art Association. Thursday, July 28, 2022.

Powers walked around the room to monitor progress and answer questions, the gallery's quiet but for sounds of tapping bushes. He advised one to add a little more pigment and another to keep the brush strokes vertical like the thread of the paper.

"When somebody creates something in this class, it's uniquely theirs," Powers said. "Each one of us has our own voice when it comes to painting."

But he also played the role of student, seeing a different way of painting the stems and deciding to do that to his own painting.

"That's the thing about watercolor and art in general," he said. "You never stop learning."

Contact children's issues reporter Leigh Guidry at or on Twitter @LeighGGuidry.

This article originally appeared on Lafayette Daily Advertiser: Artist uses watercolor to portray Louisiana's essence: Acadiana Makers