Airbnb angers customers with tone-deaf request: 'I can't even afford one house'

Airbnb’s latest attempt to help some of its struggling hosts amid the coronavirus pandemic has customers up in arms.The short-term rental platform recently debuted a new feature called “kindness cards” .which allows guests to send personalized e-cards along with monetary contributions directly to hosts they’ve stayed with through the platform before.The move comes during a time where landlords have been rapidly losing out on revenue due to COVID-19.However, customers were insulted by the tone-deaf request — as they too have been hit hard financially by fallout from the pandemic.and quickly took to social media to share their feelings on the matter.“Airbnb has lost its f****** head,” one wrote on Twitter. “Why would I donate to my host? I can’t even afford one house”.“Daily reminder that there is a housing crisis and @Airbnb are out here acting like landlords are charities,” added another.Airbnb said the move was in response to “many guests” who reached out and asked for ways to “support hosts during this difficult time”