60 Of The Absolute Dumbest Things People Actually Posted On The Internet In 2022

2022: What a dumb year! Don't believe me? Well, take a look at what these folks had to say...

1.On heroes:

Person misspelling "damsel in distress" as "damsel in this dress"

2.On the world's best smell:

Someone thinking potpourri is spelled "poop puree"

3.On internet likes:

Person saying "Al Gore rhythm" instead of "algorithm"

4.On atoms:

Person who says atoms don't exist because "gold is made of gold" and "copper is made of copper"

5.On manners:

"And who said shivery is dead"

6.On gravy:

Person who misspells connoisseur as contesewer

7.On television:

Person who doesn't understand how TVs are measured

8.On construction:

Someone asking for a "heavy Judy drill" instead of "heavy duty drill" "2Mara"

9.On the letter T:

Someone thinking the word "teeth" starts and ends with a t

10.On the end of days:

Person misspelling "rapture" in a doomsday convo

11.On ear pain:

Person misspelling legitimately as "ligmentlly"

12.On the worst possible place for salt:

Person saying salt in the womb instead of wound

13.On overhearing:

Person misspelling eavesdropper as "ease dropper"

14.On phone damage:

Person trying to screenshot their phone to show a crack

15.On beauty:

Person misspelling aesthetic as asthmatic

16.On signing:

Person misspelling sign language as silent language

17.On tragedy:

Person misspelling sucker punch as soccer punch

18.On Halloween:

Person misspelling trick-or-treaters as trigger treaters

19.On gas:

Person misspelling pneumonia as ammonia

20.On language:

Person thinking the word "aloha" is Spanish

21.On cookies:

Someone calling macadamia nut "Michael Damien nut"

22.On gas prices:

Someone saying "ass nine" instead of asinine

23.On the best of the best:

Person saying cream dollar cream instead of creme de la creme

24.On musical instruments:

Facebook Marketplace ad for a violin that reads "violent"

25.On breakfast:

Person called lobster linguine "lobster lingerie"

26.On those we lost:

Person mixing up "obituary" with "a bitch you worried"

27.On manners:

Person saying "stand office" instead of standoffish

28.On the English language:

Person mixing up synonyms and cinnamons

29.On chairs with nothing to lose:

Facebook Marketplace ad reading "black mesh egomaniac" chair instead of "ergonomic"

30.On the Queen's legacy:

person calling the roaring 20s the rolling 20s

31.On pasta provocativeness:

Person saying his girl is walkin' around in her linguine instead of lingerie

32.On delicious bread:

Person saying gargling bread instead of garlic

33.On the beauty of language:

Person saying "anal orgy" instead of analogy

34.On pets:

Person saying "all utensil purposes" instead of "all intents and purposes"

35.On auctions:

A person selling a decrepit couch to the "lowest bitter" instead of bidder

36.On simple instructions:

A note telling people to press the "buzzard" instead of the buzzer

37.On confidence:

Person referring to people who suffer from "low shelf and steam" instead of low self-esteem

38.On the cosmos:

Person misspelling meteor shower as "meat or shower"

39.On the worst kinda crowd:

Person misspelling sauerkraut as sour crowd

40.On the most perfect condition something can be in:

Person advertising a Nintendo product in "Christine" condition instead of pristine

41.On desolation:

Person saying double "on tundra" instead of entendre

42.On England:

Person thanking gun ownership for no longer being under English rule posts the Liberian flag instead of US flag

43.On currency:

Person who does not know the British pound is a type of currency

44.On stunning sights:

Person who says they were taken a bath instead of taken aback

45.On seriousness:

For sale sign for "serious injuries only" instead of inquiries

46.On preferences:

Person who says couples tea instead of cup of tea

47.On foresight:

Person who says they're "Claire buoyant" instead of clairvoyant

48.On publishing:

Person mixing up pamphlet and pan flip

49.On disagreements:

Person who says "oh count rare" instead of au contraire

50.On movie times:

Person mixing up matinee and manatee

51.On butts:

Sign from management saying to "distinguish" your cigarette instead of extinguish

52.On illnesses:

Someone spelling salmonella as "sally manilla"

53.On aunts:

Someone who thinks the word entrepreneur is spelled "aunt rap runner"

54.On laundry sales:

Facebook Marketplace ad for a washing machine spelling it "watch her machine"

55.On water supply:

Person misspelling ocean as "oat shin"

56.On ailments:

Person misspelling asthma (or maybe eczema?) as "eggsthma" in "It could be eggthsma I have it too!"

57.On toilet flora:

Person referring to "toilet trees" instead of toiletries

58.On dinner:

Person talking about leftover strum bowling instead of "stromboli"

59.On comfortable seating:

Facebook Marketplace ad for a bench that reads "branch"

60.And on partners:

Person saying never take your partner "for grandad" instead of "for granted"

Ain't it the truth.


Did you enjoy all these pics but really wish you could've been groovin' to some Cool Tunes™ while reading them? You're in luck, my friend. Check out this playlist of my favorite songs I listened to in 2022. Bless ya!