36 People Who Proved That 2021 Was Without A Doubt The Dumbest Year Yet

1.On E's:

person who thinks there is only one word with two e's in the english language

2.On travel:

person who spells greece as grease

3.On closures:

person mistaking circumstances for circumcisions

4.On the media:

person who says delta and omicron rearranged is media control

5.On genes:

person who says they wonder if they're related to their ancestors

6.On pricing:

person asking how much 2 dollar chips cost and someone says it probably takes you an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes

7.On dips:


8.On the moon:

Person who asks if the moon is also flat if the Earth and stars are flat

9.On baths:

person confusinig taken aback and taking a bath

10.On tests:

text of someone holding a thermometer and the other person says does that mean you're pregnant

11.On Alaska:

person who doesn't know alaska is in the usa

12.On pressure:

person calling peer pressure pear pressure

13.On living:

person who says losing the wheel to live instead of losing

14.On majors:

text where one person mixes up pediatrician and pedestrian

15.On apps:


16.On 2003:

person who says people born in 2003 are 28

17.On dinosaurs:

Person who asks, if dinosaurs were around millions of years ago, why is the Earth in the thousands?

18.On photographic proof:

Person asking for photographic proof that someone never received an item they ordered

19.On true love:


20.On fish:

Facebook prompt to name a fish that doesn't have an "a" in its name and someone says "dolphin"

21.On acting:

person who forgets what plays are

22.On everyone's favorite dish:

reddit.com / Via u/WitlessBlyat
reddit.com / Via u/WitlessBlyat

23.On math:

Person who does not know what a greater than or equal to sign is or that a third pounder is bigger than a quarter pounder

24.On regret:


25.On 2021:

person who says 2021 is 2012 backwards
Tik Tok

26.On sunscreen:

person who says sunscreen is poisonous

27.On dinosaurs:

tweet reading if dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago then why isn't the earth 2021 years old

28.On my man Mike:


29.On lost phones:

text about someone losing a phone but texting with it so it's not actually lost

30.On manuevers:

person calling heimlich manuever ham lick manuever

31.On Subway:

person calling herbs and cheese urban cheese

32.On gas:

person who says to water down diesel fuel

33.On egos:

person confusinig egotisticle and ego testicle

34.On abbreviations:

text with a person getting confused about what DW means thinking it doesn't mean don't worry

35.On cells:

Person who says trust cells, not science

36.On coming of age:

text where one person misspells bar-mitzfah as barmistaba