3 Underrated StartEngine Startup Investments Ending Soon You Should Have on Your Watchlist

Investing in startups is a lot different than investing in the overall stock market.

When stocks launch an initial public offering (IPO), they are typically actively trading until they are bought out or go out of business. The startup investing market is significantly different because it has campaigns that are qualified by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and are only up for a limited time. They also may only want to raise a certain amount of money or could be legally constrained to how much they can raise.
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While startups can extend a campaign’s time frame, don’t bank on it. Once the campaign has ended, you’ve missed your chance to invest.

StartEngine is a leading equity crowdfunding portal with hundreds of startups to choose from. Check out these soon-to-end campaigns from these underrated startups.

MaxTracker: MaxTracker is an innovative startup building a portfolio of devices you can use to track things anytime, anywhere. It’s like a Apple AirTag on steroids. Instead of Bluetooth, MaxTracker uses GPS for tracking and 5G connectivity with a one-year battery life. It already has over $60,000 in preorders for its trackers and is raising funds to ramp up production.The company is set to end its raise on Feb. 1.

Immergo Labs: Immergo Labs claims to be the first virtual reality telehealth company. It uses the latest in virtual reality technology to allow patients to conduct physical therapy in a virtual clinic and connects telehealth practitioners to patients using 3D avatars and artificial intelligence-generated measurements. Its campaign is set to end Jan. 21.

Epilog: Self-driving cars are becoming big business, and Epilog’s SideCar camera can be retrofitted to stock vehicles to make them self-driving. SideCar is a device attached behind the rearview mirror and uses the existing LKAS (lane-keeping assist) and ACC (automatic cruise control) systems in the car to tap into gas, steering and brakes to provide the highest quality self-driving experience available. The startup’s campaign is set to end Feb. 1.

See more on startup investing from Benzinga.

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