28 Moments From The "Abbott Elementary" Season 2 Premiere That Prove It Deserves Every Emmy It Got (And The Ones It Didn't)

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Season 2 of Abbott Elementary premiered on Wednesday, and, unsurprisingly, it continues to be amazing.


Here are 28 moments that prove it 100% deserves the Emmys it won this year — as well as the ones it didn't:

1.Janine's version of post-breakup bangs being parting her hair differently:

janine pointing to her hair on abbott elementary

A cautious queen.


2.Ava throwing a tailgate party first thing in the morning:

ava dressed in eagles gear on abbott elementary

And charging staff money for their parking spots? Classic Ava.


3.Janine saying, "It's very zen, actually," immediately followed by a very not-zen crash and bleep:

janine looking annoyed on abbott elementary

4.Barbara sharing what she did over the summer:

barbara from abbott elementary saying sea barbar is different from land barbara

I hope we somehow get to see Sea Barbara.


5.Ava "accidentally" including her summer glamour shots in her Development Week presentation...

ava showing a photo of herself to the other teachers on abbott elementary



6....and Ava showing off her hula hooping skills:

ava hula hooping on abbott elementary

7.Jacob making learning ASL his entire personality.

jacob applauding in sign language on abbott elementary

So on-brand — especially the CODA mention.


8.Melissa spending her summer at the Jersey Shore:

melissa saying nothing like the smell of cigarettes and vinegar on abbott elementary

Also very on-brand.


9.Janine (gently) clapping back at Barbara and Melissa about her mixer:

janine saying i don't have to change your minds because it's mandatory on abbott elementary

10.Gregory's reaction to the Gritty news, Melissa's reaction to his reaction, and his reaction to her reaction to his reaction:

scene from abbott elementary where gregory says he doesn't get gritty and melissa angrily asks him what's not to get

11.Mr. Johnson's phone number being in all the wrong parts of the school district's directory and him not saying anything for two decades:

mr johnson on abbott elementary

12.Janine's money issues, not only showcasing her breakup troubles, but also the way teachers aren't paid enough:

janine on abbott elementary

13.Gregory's extremely relatable best quality:

gregory saying imagining the worst thing that could happen is one of my best qualities

14.Mr. Johnson trying to pass off a cafeteria table as a desk:

mr johnson holding a cafeteria table on abbott elementary

15.Janine telling Gregory to buy her dinner first before asking if she's being evicted:

janine looking at gregory on abbott elementary

Seriously, though, Gregory — buy her dinner!


16.Janine comparing her mixer to the Donner Party and Boston Tea Party:

janine smiling on abbott elementary

Foreshadowing much?


17.The whole awkward-as-ass exchange between Janine and Gregory about their love lives:

janine on abbott elementary

Watching them feel each other out for information was both adorable and mortifying.


18.Literally every teacher driving a beat-up Sedan:

the teachers on abbott elementary raising their hands

19.Gritty appearing like a mirage in a desert:

gritty on abbott elementary

20.Jacob's reaction to finding out Tariq takes two-hour showers:

jacob saying in this climate indignantly

21.Barbara and Melissa's breakup advice for Janine:

melissa and barbara telling janine you just gotta go through it not over it on abbott elementary

This is such a sweet moment, and I love how even though her mixer went to hell, Janine still managed to get some wisdom from the older teachers.



ABC / Via giphy.com

23.Perfect moment. No notes:

gritty and ava on abbott elementary

24.Gregory is just a whole mood in this episode:

gregory looking defeated on abbott elementary

25.I love and hate how relatable this is:

jacob saying president joey b's gonna cancel the rest of that debt like any day now

Oh Jacob, you sweet summer child.


26.Jacob redeeming himself for being super annoying about knowing ASL:

jacob signing to a deaf student on abbott elementary

27.Barbara looking like she was going to cry when she saw the wheelchair accessible desk for her disabled student:

barbara on abbott elementary

28.Gregory noticing that Janine changed the part in her hair:

janine and gregory on abbott elementary

It's going to be SO GOOD when these two finally get together.


What were your favorite moments from the new episode? Sound off in the comments!