21 Photos That Are The Epitome Of "What The Hell Happened Here?"

1. The case of the not-ranch:

2. And the sort-of reverse of that:

3. This short story that you can imagine playing out:

4. This very clear cause and effect:

5. This dog who knows exactly how he got here:

6. This unsurprising display:

7. This sign that clearly came from many u-turns:

8. This sign, which I can't believe has to exist:

9. Same here:

10. This image that says it all:

11. This comment, which clearly has a DOOZY of a story behind it:

12. This aftermath of a bad, bad decision:

13. This sign, which is just...*sigh*:

14. This sign which probably only came into existence after many, many awkward conversations:

15.This photo that says it all:

16. This sign that, again, should not have to exist:

17.And this one, too:

18. This sign that truly has me puzzled:

19. This bit of writing that shows some kind of tragedy occurred once:

20.This trade-off from a customer who decided not to juice those pomegranates themself:

21. And finally, Jamie: