Okay, I Honestly Feel Sorry For These People Who Had A Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Week

If you just had yourself an absolutely terrible week where nothing seemed to go your way, just remember...

1.The person who learned one of life's most important lessons the hard way:

People putting bikes on top of a car

2.The person whose dress choice will have everyone absolutely buzzing with excitement:

Bees on a dress

3.The person who paid buco dolores to always be reminded of their bad haircut:

A bad haircut

4.The poor, poor soul who has but one single bean to their name:

A can with one bean

5.The person who got the Michael Scott special at their hotel:

A tiny TV mounted on the wall

6.The person whose corn dogs are more burned than that which resides in Hades itself, folks:

Burnt corn dogs

7.The person who will be forever trapped on their roof:

A ladder on the ground while someone is stuck on the roof

8.This poor, gastrointestinally distressed soul:

A sign saying a worker shit themselves

9.The person whose big moment was a pyrrhic victory akin to that of the dang Battle of Asculum:

Reddit post where someone said they kissed their girlfriend who then tested positive for COVID

10.The person who just turned their kitchen into this December's hottest foam party:

Foam on the floor

11.The person who learned how to create a whole buncha goop in a short time:

congealed wiper fluid in a motor

12.The person whose cake would've been a smash hit two years ago:

A cake in the shape of the number 5

13.The person who committed the cardinal sin of quilt knitting:

A messed up knit job

14.The person who just so happened to buy the world's strongest melon:

A broken knife in a watermelon

15.The person whose battery will never, ever be charged:

A large spider in a car engine

16.The person who got hot seats in the American Express Jail Lounge:

A fence in front of seats at a game

17.The person whose oven gave its dying breath for one last dinner:

A broken oven window

18.The person who got the deal of a lifetime:

A Sony speaker inside another speaker

19.The person who created an entirely new ecosystem in their fridge in a week:

Moldy dishes in a fridge

20.The person whose scale scaled no more:

A shattered scale

21.The person whose bottom I am currently saying a prayer for:

See-through toilet paper