Google News can display stories in two languages in your feed

You don't have to pick one language if you're a polyglot.

If you're fluent in two languages, there's a good chance you want to read news stories in both -- say, to keep up with both your country of origin and the one you now call home. And if that's the case, Google now has your back. Google has updated News for Android and iOS with support for displaying stories in two languages with just a single feed. You could keep up with both American and Korean news, or even use the same language to keep tabs on news in different countries.

The approach is now available in Google News' language settings for 141 countries and 41 language variants. This won't be a complete help if you're a full-fledged polyglot who speaks three or more languages, but it beats having to use multiple apps or the web to get a more complete picture of the news that matters.

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