Facebook Game Requests: Can't find 'em? We're here to help

facebook game requests
facebook game requests

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After the changes to gaming announced at last night's Facebook event, some related changes have been implemented in most of Zynga's games. To follow the announcements made last night by the new Games team, the requests sidebar will soon no longer include game requests on your Facebook homepage.

Requests will now be accessed either through your game bookmarks on the left-hand side of your home screen or a link that will appear titled "You Have Game Requests" (pictured above)when you have requests from any of the games you play, according to a post on the Facebook blog. Following the pop-up link will take you to the new "Games" page, where you can accept or reject requests like normal.

Facebook Game Requests
Facebook Game Requests

Fortunately, Zynga has made some changes specifically tailored to their games to make things easier for you (in theory). Check behind the cut for more details on these details and how you can cope with the recent changes.