20-50-100 Years Ago -- June 25

Jun. 25—100 Years Ago

June 25, 1921

Oil and gas, it is believed, has been discovered in paying quantities on the farm of Caleb C. Merritt, near Thurmont, and a corporation has been formed that will begin within the next two weeks to develop these products. It is understood that indications of oil were discovered on the farm about three years ago.

A project has been launched to have a big hotel erected at Black Rock, on South Mountain, partly on the Washington county and partly on the Frederick county side of the line. A company has been incorporated under the name of the Black Rock Hotel Company. It will be conducted as a summer resort and will probably be near the site of the old Black Rock Hotel, which was abandoned a few years ago because of inaccessibility.

50 Years Ago

June 25, 1971

Mary Ford is pretty much the girl next door type — she is the mother of three children, lives on Flint Hill out on Park Mills Road, and her husband works for Communication Satellite Corp. in Clarksburg. Pretty much the girl next door — except of course that she used to ride with the Hell's Angels, gave birth to a child by herself in a hospital restroom, writes poetry in shorthand while driving along the highway, has a 60-year-old mother who rides a Harley-Davidson and shoots pool, has 23 cats, has appeared on five TV shows that she can recall, chased Pat Nixon 28 miles before getting to talk to her and had a great-grandfather who was shot with an arrow while defending Fort Borst from the Indians. Since arriving in Frederick County almost a year ago, she has waged her own personal war against the status quo in a community that she considers "apathetic." "If I don't like something, I'll tell someone about it," she said recently. "I've been tagged as a female Ralph Nader, and I wear that label proudly."

An estimated crowd of 5,000 is expected to return to the Frederick Fairgrounds July 5 to see the oldest continuous motorcycle race in the United States, the Barbara Fritchie Classic. Between 75 and 100 motorcycles are expected to compete in the Lions Club-sponsored race, which dates back to 1922.

20 Years Ago

June 25, 2001

WASHINGTON — America's suburbs have become more racially and ethnically diverse as minorities follow well-worn paths out of the big cities for jobs, schools and affordable housing, according to the Census Bureau. In 2000, one out of four suburban residents was a minority, up from about one in five 10 years earlier.

On your daily commute to work, you pass one on the highway. Just cruising along. Maybe it's a luxurious motorhome bound for a mountain adventure or a sleek trailer in tow behind a beach-bound vehicle. You think, "The freedom, the adventure. What a life." It's true. RVers are living the good live, and they're traveling in style. Today's RVs are better than ever, and more and more families are hitting the road with one.