19 People Who Have Absolutely Zero Consideration For Anyone But Themselves

1. This fool who really thought they were important enough to take up THREE (very important) parking spaces:

A truck parked diagonal in 3 parking spaces, which are also a handicap space, an emergency space, and a delivery space
u/grimgrrl420 / Via reddit.com

2. This person who thought the passenger in front of them needed to see their crusty-ass foot on a plane:

3. This person who literally has no respect:

4. This inconsiderate jerk who decided that food belonged on the ground instead of with people who needed it:

5. This partner who needs to be dumped ASAP:

6. This person deserves to be blacklisted from every restaurant on the planet:

7. This mom who thought only one of her children should hear about a family member's passing:

8. This man who said "I don't love you" in the most disgusting way possible:

9. The delivery person who could've taken just ONE SECOND to be considerate, but didn't:

10. This person whose laziness stunk up the whole store:

11. This teacher who defied all logic just to prove their student "wrong":

12. The monster who had the fucking gall to fire this woman:

13. This customer who just left a pile for some poor bookstore worker to clean up:

14. This dad who needs to chill — and also realize his daughter's an adult:

15. This "friend" who had absolutely no respect:

16. This "neighbor" who got woken up once and decided to be a total crybaby about it:

17. This person who decided their groceries were more important that other people staying dry:

18. This food delivery thief who was apparently TOO HUNGRY to deliver his order:

19. And finally, these assholes who actually faked having a disability to get out of wearing a mask:

h/t: r/mildlyinfuriating and r/trashy