18 Signs That Are Either Ridiculously Clever Or Just Plain Ridiculous

1. This sign that didn't quite understand the assignment:

2. This sign that defies all logic:

3. This sign with a seemingly conflicting message about masks:

4. This sign that could be read two very different ways:

5. This sign that's unfortunately accurate:

6. This sign that could be a little clearer:

7. This sign that's...quite the statement:

8. This sign that says so much while saying so little:

9. This sign that's just asking for trouble:

10. This hotel floor sign that has no right to be this chaotic:

11. This sign that made me chuckle a little under my mask:

12. This sign that could be interpreted a couple of very different ways:

13. This sign that feels a bit misleading:

14. This sign that will probably be up forever:

15. This sign that woke up and chose violence:

16. This sign that just really speaks to me:

17. This sign that just makes me want to give up:

18. And finally, this sign that's simply a masterpiece:

H/T: r/crappydesign and r/funnysigns