17 Times People Started Out Nice, Then Quickly Showed Their Bright Red Flags

1.This person trying to cheat with one of their wife's former employees.

Text. exchange that ends with, "That's all you have to say to me??Tease. Asshole. Get claps in your ass."
OTFasian / Via reddit.com

2.This person who freaked out on their new co-worker after meeting her for, like, two minutes.

Text exchange that ends with, "I know you're there cz I can see you working on my floor. Plz reply Pls reply . I don't want a negative work envirement."
freeaffectionlove / Via reddit.com

3. This person who snapped unprompted.

4. This person who was nice to someone at the bar, then sent her this after she didn't go home with him.

5.This conversation that seems like it won't be leading to a second date.

Text exchange ending in, "Id appreciate to see or hear the honesty firsthand but I doubt it. You didn't seem this hostile on tinder or in person?"
Awkward_Bisexual_ / Via reddit.com

6.This person who previously had a chance to date someone, and is now mad that they've moved on.

Text exchange ending with, "I have a life as well and it's my fault that I'm busy and struggling? Bullshit you're not faithful at all. I put up with all your baggage and you do this shit!? Really?"
jeannetty / Via reddit.com

7.This person who reacted this way about a rain check.

Text exchange that ends with, "Sounds like I've actually dodged a bullet by the way that you're treating me right now. BLOCKED"
Awkward_Bisexual_ / Via reddit.com

8.This guy who went from "howdy" to hostile in a flash.

Text exchange that ends with, "Actually I'll call you whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want, n if you don't like it..... you can unmatch and kiss my ass bitch."
Same_Hurry8142 / Via reddit.com

9. This person who went from complimentary to creepy.

10. This person who, in a single message, went from a normal introduction to threatening to kick the recipient's ass.

11.This person who thought a compliment on a photo entitled them to someone's time.

Text exchange with a guy telling a woman, "I didn't even want to start anything more than just being friends either. Stupid bitch."
atmosXII / Via reddit.com

12. This person portraying their self as a nice person, then getting called out in the comments.

13.This person who was politely asked to delete some risqué pics and then talked in circles and did mental gymnastics to come up with an excuse not to.

Text exchange that ends with, "Truly! So am I worthy of an answer or no? Or are you honestly that offended that you won't answer... Not sexy disagreement."
lady_7777 / Via reddit.com

14. This person who wouldn't respect boundaries.

15.This person who couldn't wait nine minutes for a response and ruined the whole interaction.

Text exchange that ends with, "You're joking? You have zero respect for me as person, I took 9 minutes to respond because I was on my way home and you sent me a real immature "good talk.." and then continued to bash my entire gender and insult me."
coconutwheelie / Via reddit.com

16.This person who pretended to be checking in on someone's ailing sibling, but they actually just wanted to turn things sexual.

Text exchange with a man telling a woman, "No worries baby girl. I'll be patient and wait until you're comfortable enough to. I'm sorry."
Unusual_Cranberry_34 / Via reddit.com

17.And finally, this person who tried to flirt, then got angry when their passes were rejected.

Text exchange ending with, "I was being nice and shit and you had to be a bitch about it. Don't flatter yourself. I'll be deleting your number. Your boring anyways."
ProgressTemporary110 / Via reddit.com