17 Customers Who Proved Restaurant Workers DO NOT Get Paid Enough

1. This person who didn't leave a tip but DID take the time for some good ol' sexual harassment:

2. This person who wasn't good enough to give a tip, but was shitty enough to leave this:

3. This person who (allegedly) left a pretty fat tip, but it came at a different price:

4. This person who rounded up their bill in the most insulting way possible:

5. This person who apparently thought it was the staff's job to shield her children's ears from cursing:

6. This person who decided they'd make their server fly to Vegas to claim their (measly) money:

7. These people who left this condescending note and then giggled about it as they sauntered out of the restaurant:

8. This person who's apparently always too broke to tip but not too broke to go out to eat in the first place:

9. This person who thought their phone number would pay their server's bills:

10. This person who thought their server was "amazing" and still found an excuse to leave them nothing:

11. This person who received her food early and somehow saw that as a bad thing:

12. This sorry excuse for a human who harassed their server and then threw a hissy fit when they didn't respond:

13. This person who went out on one of the busiest nights of the year and didn't even have the decency to tip well (or at all):

14. This person who withheld her tip because the server — who is NOT her child — didn't wish her a happy Mother's Day:

15. This comedian who really thought they did something:

16. This supposed-adult who stormed into the kitchen to complain and then left this as a parting gift:

17. And finally, this absolute terror who left the most disrespectful "tip" of all:

h/t: r/Serverlife