12 Things Our Editors Always Buy at Publix

Bread at Publix
Bread at Publix

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It's no secret that Southerners love Publix and Southern Living editors are no exception. The Lakeland, Florida-based grocery store chain is known for making shopping a pleasure. Anyone who has stepped foot inside one of their stores knows that the experience is just that. It's not a store that you want to get in and out of quickly. In fact, browsing the aisles is an enjoyable, and some would say relaxing, way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Whether you're a seasoned Publix shopper or you still need to make your first trip, here are the products our editors suggest picking up on your next Publix run. We apologize in advance for the hunger you may experience after reading through this list of editor favorites.

Key Lime Pie
"In a pinch, Publix's pre-made Key lime pies are perfect for summer cookouts and more. They're surprisingly delicious and are nostalgic for many Southerners. It makes sense, since Publix is from Florida, after all!" Kaitlyn Yarborough, Assistant Digital Editor

Rotisserie Chicken
"For an easy dinner, using in soups, or making chicken salad." -Grace Haynes, Associate Homes Editor

"My teeny apartment feels so much more alive when I have fresh blooms in every room." -Betsy Cribb, Features Editor

Buffalo Chicken Dip
"I always buy their pre-made buffalo chicken dip, cover in cheese, and bake for a quick and easy appetizer that always disappears quickly from the serving dish." -Jenna Sims, Associate Digital Editor

Topo Chico
"For Ranch Waters." -Emma Phelps, Editorial Fellow

Pub Subs
"Making a Publix run around mealtime is the move, because you can always drop by the deli counter for a Pub Sub. Southerners know that a chicken finger sub is the correct and only answer to, 'What will you be having?'" -Mary Shannon Hodes, Associate Digital Editor

Fried Chicken
"Now that I live in a state that doesn't have Publix, it's always a treat to go when visiting my family in Georgia. First stop: the fried chicken counter for at least one chicken finger to eat in the car on the way home. There's just nothing like Publix's chicken fingers. (Don't try on Sundays, though. The fried chicken line gets swarmed.)" - Kaitlyn Yarborough, Assistant Digital Editor

Greenwise Sparkling Water
"There always seems to be a new and novel sparkling water on the shelf, but the Greenwise ones still get my vote. Especially lemon and lime flavors!" -Caroline Rogers, Travel & Culture Editor

Pizza Dough
"Anytime I see it in the bakery section I change my supper plans to include a homemade pizza." -Pat York, Assistant Food Editor

Dried Mango Strips
"Love their Greenwise dried mango strips." -Lisa Cericola, Senior Food Editor

Corn Nuggets
"Publix Corn Nuggets are my guilty pleasure. It was my secret but I think everyone should know how delicious they are. You'll find them by the hot fried chicken." Rebecca Baer, Digital News Editor

Bakery Bread
"A loaf of sourdough or Italian five-grain bread from the bakery! They're always fresh and make a great base for toasts and over-stuffed sandwiches." - Tara McCay, Digital News Writer