Zooming Through 'The Shining'; All About Opening Credits

Zooming Through 'The Shining'; All About Opening Credits

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. A zoom-heavy tour of the Overlook, title sequence magic demystified, and how not to impede a bike theft.

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We could listen to people talk about the art of title design all day long. The thought process that goes in to creating a title sequence for, say, a David Fincher movie is beyond us. If we ever made a movie, the credits would be white font on a black background, Woody Allen-style. Not because we don't enjoy a miniature set piece while we're trying to read the director of photography's name. It's just that we'd just be hopeless and contribute nothing. It's the same thing that happens when we draw. [via Off Book]

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Oh boy, here's a collage (montage? zoomtage?) of all the zoom shots from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. Why did that movie have so many zoom shots anyway? More importantly, why is that, as we silently chuckle about Kubrick's camera moving in on this or that, we're starting to feel fluttery and unnerved. Even when it's being exposed as ridiculous and over-produced, The Shining plays us like a piano. [via Vulture]

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Here's a video of a frog sitting on a bench in a very human-like way that's been making the rounds. The big question people seem to have is, does this frog think he's a human? We don't know.The frog himself doesn't know. That's why it's such a great mystery. We will say we'd prefer it if the frog thought of himself as a frog, or barring that nothing, because imagine the agony of thinking you're a human when you're really just a frog people all over the world are laughing at for kind of acting like a human. He must never know about this. [via roltonb]

Stealing bikes from strangers: clearly wrong. Going after the stranger who tried to steal your bike and smacking him around in a public place is also kinda wrong. Not as cut-and-dried, don't ever do it lest you run the risk of breaking out of your shell: but still not advisable. These scene on the street in New York shows everything that can go wrong with you bust a bike booster in the act. The thief does not expect you, then pedestrians come in and try to help, but only succeed in saying bad words that are very NSFW. In the end, no punches, just lots of hurt feelings and one half-throw/half-shove into a pile of debris. So let the professionals get your missing bike back, one and all. [via Ziwbabme]