Zo/Burmese Christian Church of Logansport celebrates anniversary

May 1—The Zo/Burmese Christian Church of Logansport celebrated its 10th anniversary during a service on Sunday at Calvary Presbyterian Church, 701 Spencer St.

Ten years ago, in April 2014, our humble beginnings took root in a small house with four dear friends," Pastor Mang Lian Hau said to the congregation. "Little did we know the incredible journey that lay ahead of us.

First and foremost, we extend our sincerest appreciation to the Almighty God for guiding us, sustaining us, and blessing us abundantly throughout these ten years. It is through His grace and providence that we stand here today, united in faith and purpose."

Hau credited American Baptist Churches of Indiana & Kentucky (ABC IN/KY) for their unwavering support and funding, which has been the bedrock for its growth and outreach efforts. He also thanks Dr. Bruce Cochran, an American Baptist Indiana Region Minister, and Dr. Dai Sok.

"Their guidance, wisdom, and compassionate leadership sustained us through our darkest hours, serving as beacons of hope and strength in times of uncertainty," Hau said. "We are also deeply grateful to Tyson Food for their understanding and support of our refugee community members who are navigating a new environment.

"Special thanks to Gaby Moore, the Human Resource Complex Plant Manager, whose continued support has not only empowered our community members to thrive but has also resulted in tangible outcomes such as purchasing new homes, new cars and achieving self-sufficiency."