Zedge Ringtones and Wallpapers for Android review

Customize your Android phone or tablet endlessly with millions of free ringtones, wallpapers, notifications, and more available with Zedge Ringtones & Wallpapers. This free app makes personalized recommendations to help you choose from the vast array of content shared by tens of millions of users in the Zedge community. Zedge Ringtones and Wallpapers 2.6 is free for all Android devices, though versions and requirements may vary by device.


Ringtones and more: Zedge offers not only free ringtones and wallpapers but also live wallpapers, notification sounds, games, and widgets.

Huge community, vast resources: The Zedge community has more than 80 million members sharing more items than you could sample in a lifetime.

Games: We could download popular games for Android from Zedge, too.


Multiple copies: With so many items available, multiple or redundant posts are probably inevitable.

Animated ads: Persistent pop-up commercials keep the app free but use up time and bandwidth.

Categories: While Zedge has something for everyone spread over many Categories, wallpaper selections leaned heavily on cuteness, skulls, and recent pop culture.

Bottom Line

No source of wallpaper or ringtones for Android compares to Zedge's community. Zedge Ringtones & Wallpapers is an excellent tool for browsing, managing, and customizing your phone or tablet to your heart's content.

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