Young drivers should review safety tips before heading to school

Aug. 13—As the start of the school year rapidly approaches, many high school juniors and seniors are preparing to drive themselves for the first time.

Parents across the area will likely take these last few days of summer break to offer tips and reminders about being responsible on the roadways.

One aspect of driving that experts are highlighting to practice is parking. Preparing in advance for busy high school parking lots might save parents a few bucks on fender benders.

Sheldon Lyon, executive director of the St. Joseph Health and Safety Council, suggests that refreshing parking and other sections included in a driver's license test could be beneficial for students at larger schools.

"This is another reason why everyone should learn to parallel park," Lyon said. "When you get around those buildings, if you're not in an assigned lot, you're going to park on the street and it's going to most likely be parallel parking."

As important as parking is, students first have to get to school. New student drivers need to do is be completely focused, including not using their phone in the car.

"We need to limit distractions," Lyon said. "Kids are excited to drive to school. This is something that we need to encourage, but also just sit down with them to keep them out of trouble."

Another reason to reiterate the importance of focus at all times is because of the unpredictability that traffic presents.

"How fast traffic can come to a dead stop on the interstate is very important for teens," Lyon said. "Not many of them will drive on the interstate to get to school, but they certainly could for short distances. It's critically important to their safety that they maintain and pay attention to the traffic ahead."