New Yorkers Dismayed At Election Results Can Seek Out 'Subway Therapy'

Hundreds left pastel-colored Post-itnoteson the wall of a New York City subway stop on Wednesday, hours afterDonald Trumpwaselected president.

Artist Levee started the project, known as “Subway Therapy,” before Tuesday’s election, and has held sessions all over town. While he’s not a licensed therapist, Levee’s goal is to make people smile, laugh and feel less stressed.

Typically he would set up shop with a table and two chairs, but hetold ABC Newsthat Wednesday’s version was like a special election edition, given how intense the contest had become andthe toll it had taken on voters.

“Because of how stressful the last couple of days were, I thought it would be nice to have something that people could do really quickly so they could maybe get something off their chest,” Levee told ABC News.

So he gathered Post-itand pens in the underpass between the 1 train and the L at the 14th Street stop. He invited commuters to write a question or share a sentiment on the results.

Levee said that 1,500 notes were left on the wall. Messages ranged from providing comforting thoughts to expressing concern and disillusionment.

“I provided the materials, but the people of New York provided the courage and candor in the face of crippling division,” he said in a post on his website.

Levee told The Huffington Post that he would head to the same spot on Thursday and Friday, though time and location details had yet to be confirmed.

To find out more, you canfollow him on Instagramand learn more about the projecthere.