New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to announce 2020 bid Thursday

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is expected to be the latest Democrat to jump into the 2020 presidential race.

De Blasio will be making his announcement on Thursday morning, according to several reports, including the Washington Post. Good Morning America tweeted that the mayor and his wife, Chirlane McCray, will join the program live from Times Square.

The mayor will be joining a Democratic presidential field that numbers nearly two dozen and that is one of the party's largest and most diverse. He will not be the lone mayor seeking the Oval Office. South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and former San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro have already announced bids.

De Blasio will travel to Iowa and South Carolina over four days to begin his campaign, NBC News reports. The Woodbury County Democratic Party in Iowa accidentally announced that an event it is hosting is going to be the first stop of De Blasio's presidential tour, according to NBC News. The post has since been deleted.

An interactive guide: Who is running for president in 2020?

Over the past several months, De Blasio has been flirting with a possible bid. He is one of the last expected major candidates to jump into the race.

However, the overwhelming majority of the mayor's constituents said last month that they did not want to see him join the 2020 field.

According to a Quinnipiac poll published in April, 76% of New York City voters said they would not want De Blasio to run for president. Only 18% said the mayor should run for president.

De Blasio is serving his second term as New York City mayor. The city is the largest in the nation with an estimated 8.6 million residents.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to announce 2020 bid Thursday