This Year's Pride Parades Were Something Special

With the Defense of Marriage Act repealed, and Prop 8 defeated (twice) in California, the emotions and celebrations at this week's gay pride parades, across the U.S., were going to be bigger, badder, longer, louder and more colorful than ever before. 

RELATED: Losing Pride in the Pride Parade

No picture from Sunday's celebrations struck people more than the one above. Capital New York's Azi Paybarah was the one who snapped the picture of the day: standing behind the New York Police Department band, watching them serenade the crowd in front of the Stonewall Inn some 44 years, nearly to the day, since gay residents resisted arrest and sparked the historic riots. Commissioner Ray Kelly was in the neighborhood, too. But the band weren't the only NYPD members who stopped by Sunday's celebrations. These members of the Gay Officers Action League were met with some big cheers during the parade, too: 

RELATED: Gay Pride Re-cap

RELATED: This Couple's Wedding Photo Was Turned into an Anti-Gay Political Smear Ad

(AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

RELATED: No, Bradley Manning is Not the Next SF Pride Parade Grand Marshal

This picture of New York's Grand Marshall Edith Windsor, the 84-year-old woman at the center of the case that repealed the Defense of Marriage Act, will immediately raise the amount of dust in your immediate vicinity. She's a hero:

(AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

There was also a marching band!

This new couple had something special to celebrate today. Giovani Miranda and Todd Fernandez were just married this morning in New York, if their sign is accurate. Congratulations, guys: 

(AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

Sandy Stier and Kris Perry, the plaintiffs in the case that brought down Prop 8, participated in the San Francisco Pride parade with plenty of other newlywed gay couples. Stier and Perry were finally hitched on Friday: 

(REUTERS/Jana Asenbrennerova)

Rep. Nancy Pelosi was also around for today's parade. Look at her wave that flag!

(REUTERS/Jed Jacobsohn)

Aaaaand this is easily the best sign from the San Francisco parade. That's U.S. Supreme Court Justices Stephen Breyer and Anthony Kennedy -- really, it's them! -- telling the world which Illuminati member influenced them to decide in favor of gay marriage this week: 

(AP Photo/Noah Berger)

The Democratic hopefuls in the New York mayoral race were out in full force celebrating with their supporters on Pride Day, too: 

All in all, politics aside, this was a very good weekend and an even better party.