Xbox One's Sunset Overdrive "Rewrites the Rules" for Shooters, Microsoft Says

VIDEO: Sunset Overdrive - Gameplay Launch Trailer [01:58]

Microsoft and Insomniac Games have released the launch trailer for upcoming Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive, which they say "rewrites the rules" for traditional shooters.

Sunset Overdrive launches October 28 only for Xbox One, and not PlayStation 4--even though it appears Sony borrowed the game's font for a recent PlayStation Network sale.

Microsoft and Insomniac Games have also kicked off a "Week of Explosions" to promote Sunset Overdrive in the lead-up to its release next week. They have partnered with various digital networks (SourceFed, SourceFedNERD, RatedRR, and The Vloggity) for the promotion, where entertainers will explode a variety of real-world, Sunset Overdrive-inspired objects.

Players can choose what they'd like to see get blown up for the Week of Explosions grand finale on October 28 by voting at this special website. The first 100,000 people who vote will receive a Sunset Overdrive "Granny's Revenge" in-game outfit.

It is described as such: "What's in the basket, Red Riding Hood? Oh, a fire-spewing shotgun? I think you'll make it to Granny's just fine. This ain't no fairy tale--this is Sunset Overdrive. So, slap on this outfit and trek into those woods."

You can stay up-to-date with the Sunset Overdrive Week of Explosions by following this YouTube channel.

Sunset Overdrive, which is published by Microsoft, will be accompanied at launch by a $400 Xbox One bundle that includes a white system (and matching white controller) and a copy of the game. This is notable because it will represent the first time Microsoft will publicly offer the Xbox One in a color other than black.

For more on Sunset Overdrive, check out GameSpot's previous coverage. You can also test-fire some of the game's over-the-top weapons through a special interactive website called Walter's Workshop.

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