WWE's New Day Taunts Chicago Crowd, Takes Shot at Derrick Rose

Kind of easy to make a joke about that guy.

Monday Night Raw was in the Chicago area tonight, and because of that The New Day felt it was appropriate to make light of the region's oft-injured, manufactured from porcelain star. With the mere mention of Derrick Rose's name, the crowd began to boo as they, in unison, anticipated a shot to their collective Windy City gonads. The line wasn't rib-splitting (note the crowd reaction), but the point was made, as Xavier Woods told Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose:

"Why don't you both take a page out of Chicago Bulls player Derrick Rose's book and sit on the bench."

All the best heels know how to trash talk an entire metropolis in addition to an opponent. Maybe (and it's a big maybe) these dudes can find themselves on this list someday. Provided we take the time to update it.

[via @JimmyTraina]

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