WWE News: Backlash Against Roman Reigns Forcing WWE To Keep Him Out Of ‘Wrestlemania 33’ Main Event


During last night’ edition of Raw, Roman Reigns lost the United States Championship to Chris Jericho only a few weeks before facing Kevin Owens for the WWE Universal title at the WWE Royal Rumble, but Reigns may have a bigger issue on his hands. Dropping the U.S. title to Jericho was a formality for a few reasons, but the most important thing is that he’s likely walking out of San Antonio as the WWE Universal Champion.

On paper, that isn’t a bad thing for him. His United States title run didn’t have much momentum because of Roman adding prestige and importance to the championship. Reigns has been chasing the WWE Universal title for the past few months, which made the United States Championship an afterthought. Roman Reigns holding the U.S. title was unnecessary to the rivalry with Jericho and Owens, but that’s not the real problem.

The bigger problem is the WWE Universe isn’t going to like the idea of Roman being given another WWE World title run, especially heading into Wrestlemania. It’s plausible for WWE to be thinking about putting Reigns in his third straight main event on the grandest stage of them all, but do the powers that be want to see another Wrestlemania conclude with a record WWE crowd booing Roman Reigns out of the arena?

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WWE News: Backlash Against Roman Reigns Forcing WWE To Keep Him Out Of ‘Wrestlemania 33’ Main Event is an article from: The Inquisitr News