Photos capture stunning lightning strike of WTC spiral

The storms that swept up the Atlantic coast on Tuesday produced some wild weather along the I-95 corridor — and some dramatic images of lightning striking the World Trade Center spiral. And, like photos of any storm worth its salt in the social media age, those images spread quickly on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The photo above, taken by Marco Menendez, was captured from Brooklyn Bridge Park.

"I found myself ducking and walking very fast past trees and metal poles while doing this," Menendez wrote.

Max Guliani, who was in lower Manhattan, caught the bolt from several closer angles:

Photographer Tyler Sparks captured it from yet another angle:


If those images look familiar, it's because the same thing happened earlier this month.

Tuesday's display came a day after a lightning bolt struck the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., narrowly missing the U.S. Capitol.